upcoming events
Livecode hacknight with special guest Oliotronix
Thursday 21 of September, 2023
19h - 22h
SóLaura Studio, Boddinstr. 62
Hosts: Bruno Gola & Olivia Jack
There will be an open projector + speakers for anyone who wants to *share their screens* with a <=10minute live-coded set, demo, presentation, etc.
Please write your name here if you plan to attend the event: https://pad.riseup.net/p/SHOW_US_YOUR_SCREENS-keep
Entrance for free, sodas and beers for donation
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Reading Night & Good Bye Berlin
the event will be based in the reading of .[20:21]’ PRESENTE-FUTURO zine by Oxy - an event in celebration for changes
Monday, October 02, 2023
At SóLaura Studio, Boddinstr. 62
Portuguese with (some) translations to English
Donations are welcome and optional