We need your help!

Play your part to help eliminate the debts of our dear SóLaura Studio.

Donate right away or scroll down for more info!

In two and a half years, we've hosted more than 30 exhibitions from LGBTQIANP+ and BIPoC, who were able to exhibit FOR FREE, and made innumerable workshops, events and others activities

SóLaura Studio was always meant to be something more than just a tattoo studio. It was meant to be a place where artists could showcase their art without having to pay a sum of money they don't usually have to invest.

After two and a half years of life, SóLaura Studio had to close due to many reasons, one of the biggest ones being financial. We tried everything, but in the end the studio was not financially viable under the current economic conditions and we had to close.

So where is the urgent help part? 

In the last few months, there was no way to pay the rent at the studio - the money coming in monthly only covered the other costs (yes, even with the tattooers working there. Tattoo is one of the markets which is now also currently suffering).

Laura used to put in money monthly from her everyday work to cover what was missing, but due to a very close family member passing away in brasil, she had to book a flight last minute and stay there for two months, without earning money in Euro and taking care of her family. This took a big toll on the expenses of the studio.

Finally, Laura came back to Berlin after the Brasil saga, gave it a lot of thought and decided to close the studio. She tried to negotiate for months with the Hausverwaltung (*property management) so that she could end her contract, coming to a conclusion that she had to pay for the past months so that she could end the contract on October 31st.

To pay the rents that were in debt, and be able to get out of the contract by October 31st, she had to get a loan. Otherwise, she would’ve have to stay until February 2025. 

So now we are asking for any help to cover this loan, so Laura doesn't stay with the whole debt on her. (Especially if you are one of those unicorns in our community with a steady regular pay-check, please consider how you can help offset this debt with your contribution! 🙏🏼)

The full amount we need to cover is € 10.014,85

Any amount is really appreciated, and every share is also a huge help.

SóLaura Studio created uncountable good memories in every exhibition, vernissage, workshop, event, hangout, and much more, and all events had a free entrance to make them financially accessible. 

Please give us this last help that we are so much in need.

Thank you so much, now and forever.

Got any questions
about this crowdfunding?

Send us a message through this contact form and Laura will be happy to contact you by email.