Good-Bye, SóLaura Studio…

(from left to right: Jaybee, me, Luana, Oli, Luki and Woosh in front of SóLaura Studio for our farewell photoshoot in August 2024 - Neukölln, Berlin)

(Originally posted on October 18th, 2024)


— Not all good-byes need to be sad. This one was more of a celebration of two years and a half of stories, memories and most of all: great moments.

It took me almost three months to post this final reel from SóLaura Studio. Everything happened so fast, but at the same time it seems like a whole lifetime has passed.

I envisioned SóLaura Studio for many years and in February 2022 it became a reality. Coming from a low working class immigrant family background (and being an immigrant myself), I thought it was unrealistic to dream of something like that. But I did. And it happened. 🙏🏼 

I am forever grateful for every soul who passed by Boddinstr 62: artists, tattooers, friends, chosen family, dogs... every single one of you made this place the little piece of Heaven that it was. And I couldn't be more thankful.

In July 2024, after many life, social and economic setbacks, I decided it was time to move on to a new chapter. More independent, more collective, more in transit. 

And here is where I am now, as many of you know. I am currently about to make the oficial opening of a new collective studio I'm now part of (more on the next reel tomorrow!), planning many travels for next year, and ready to explore even more my art, tattoos and the world. 

In the video there is the last group of resident tattooers of SóLaura Studio: Jaybee (who was with us since the very first day), Luana (who started as my apprentice, became a resident tattooer and helped so much in the every day life of the studio), Woosh, Oli and Luki. To you all, I owe my forever gratefulness for being the best humans around. I admire your art as much as you all and I am very happy that even with the studio closed, we manage to meet constantly. I am proud of being your friend. 💕 (and actually, Luana and Oli are now part of the new collective studio!)

To all the artists who exhibited and performed at the studio gallery in these two and a half years: because of you, this world keeps breathing. Art is Holy and I admire you all for sharing your soul within SóLaura Studio's walls.

To the tattooers, piercers and body modders: being able to witness your craft from such near grounds it was a bless. Thanks for two years and a half of inking the best memories on people. You will always have a place in my heart and at the new studio.

To the customers: we would be nothing without you. You are the reason why we do what we do, and I will be forever grateful for the trust you all put into our art over the years.

Special huge appreciation to Bruno Gola, Jorge Kuriki, Sarj and all dear friends and chosen-family who were part of it from the beginning until the end. I have no words.

And my eternal gratefulness to my ancestors for walking on this earth.

Cheers to a future where we can all feel good within ourselves and with the world. We have much work to do, but it is also good to appreciate everyday victories. 

Much revolutionary love to you all,


Laura Sono

Queer feminist tattooer, illustrator and photographer born and raised in São Paulo, Brasil, and currently living in Berlin, Germany.

Social Media vs. Tattooers


Tattoo Guest: Vienna | Oct, 2024